Topmind Blogs

The power of introverts in a world created for extroverts

This week’s summary is based on the book: Quiet by Susan Cain.

If you’re an introvert, this one is for you!

Believe it or not, for Susan Cain there’s a massive difference between confidence and competence.

In modern culture, we often encourage people to be more vocal and make their voices be heard. There are industries that groom their employees into extroverts as a requirement to excel.

We often see confidence as competence. But if you’re an introvert, more often than not, you’re a weirdo.

The author does an excellent job demonstrating that introverts have their own equal and a fair share of successes, achievements, and powerful impact. That extroversion is not a prerequisite to success.

There is POWER in silence. 

There is POWER in introverts.

Introverts are one of the most important pillars that brings balance and reflective culture to the business.

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting some coaching colleagues that are introverts and I tell you, it’s not that harder or complicated as it appears to be than those extroverted coaches. 

I realized that they have their own impressive and creative way of optimizing their own energy when engaging in a conversation with their clients. The key to protecting their energy is through managing it.

It’s common for coaches to be great listeners because they are more likely to listen and implement suggestions later on. However, introvert coaches take information thoroughly because of their highly sensitive information processing drive compare to extroverts.

The Visual Mindmap, reveals the strategies, challenges, and advantages for introverts to excel in the world of extrovert bias. ‘Quiet by Susan Cain’ provides good insights into why introverts see the world differently. 

Here is the Visual Mind Map of “Quiet by Susan Cainclick here.

If you want to have the A3 poster version download the PDF here.

You can read the one-pager executive summary by clicking here.

Do you want to define the 1 or 2 things that will move the needle for your business? 


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