Three tips to start your day!
And now BACK TO BUSINESS after hopefully a joyful summer! We start with a very basic theme you have to deal with each day: How to START your day?
Scientific insights show that the ‘mood’ we start our day with determines our ‘productivity’ for the rest of the day.
No time to read today? Three quick tips:
1. Take a cold shower!
Taking a cold shower gives a huge boost to your physiology, vitality and also protects you against flu and colds.
2. Get up (just a little) earlier
Start your day slowly and relaxed.
3. Start with purpose
Start your day asking yourself if I had 3 wishes for making this day successful for myself and others, what would those wishes be?
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A client once told me: “If I woke up every day with the productivity I had on the last day before my vacation, I would have the energy to spend more quality time with my children and take up 3 more hobbies”. So, what can I specifically do to get that same productivity? Present day research points in only one direction. Make sure you start your day in the right mood, because your mood in the morning affects your productivity all day.
” If I woke up every day with the productivity I had on the last day before my vacation, I would have the energy to spend more quality time with my children and take up 3 more hobbies. “
Just as you can become ‘more productive’ in sports as a result of improving your condition, you can also become ‘more productive’ in your work when you increase your mental and physical fitness.
I am currently staying with a top-athlete in France. I coach him all week and people often ask me, what exactly does such a week look like? My main task during this week is to help him maintain a positive mental and energetic physical state. Most of my work with him is concentrated in the morning. In our early morning sessions of approximately 1.5 hours we combine different breathing, visualization and concentration exercises and we set the intention for the upcoming day. The reason we focus on the morning rituals is because the ‘mood’ we start our day with determines our ‘productivity’ for the rest of the day (in this case on the golf course).
” Some days I can conquer the world, some days it takes me 3 hours to write an email. “
Here some facts!
According to a study conducted by the Ohio State University, customer service staff experience improved concentration and more positive interactions with customers if they start their day in a positive mood. It is proven that positive emotion from sales/customer service staff is contagious to a customer, but also that a satisfied customer improves the customer service/sales person’s mood leading them to have a more successful day. While those who start the day in a bad mood report feeling even worse at the end of the day.
Equally important in the research (not surprisingly) it was discovered that a positive mood affected the quality of work and significantly increased productivity.
It turns out that if we begin the day with negative feelings it is very hard for most of us to change our state of mind. Once in a bad temper, it makes it very difficult to accomplish what we want and have a productive day!
” Those who start the day in a bad mood report feeling even worse at the end of the day. “
What are some concrete tips for starting everyday in a good mood, thereby increasing your own productivity?
Accomplishment comes from a specific behaviour. Doing brings the outcomes that we call ‘accomplishment’. You could state, at that point we simply change our behaviour? But since 95% of behaviour is programmed and subconscious this approach is limited. So where does our behaviour originate from? From the way we think, driven by values, conditioning, and so forth. So, we could change our thinking? Likewise, our thinking is largely oblivious thus here we have practically zero direct impact. Our reasoning is to a great extent in light of how we feel. We think differently when we feel great than when we feel less well. Feeling is controlled by our emotions. Furthermore, feelings are the aftereffect of a basic physiological process. Physiology is simply a gathering of hormones, neurological and electromagnetic connections etc etc.. What’s more, we are truly capable of influencing our physiology. We can impact our physiology, and in this manner impact how we feel, think, behave and lastly our accomplishments. What’s more, many of us do this through sport, nutrition, meditation and other activities. You FEEL differently when you had a good night of sleep, did some exercise or meditation etc. etc.
So, if you really want to dominate your day, optimize your physiology at the start. See above some tips in doing so.
I hope you’ve learned something new. However remember: it is not the ‘KNOWING’ that will make you do more, it is what you DO with what you know.
The TopMind Tracker can be of help to convert your intentions into daily habits. Read more about it by clicking here!
Much Success 😊