Topmind Blogs

The 5 SEEDS of Big Potential from the book Big Potential by Shawn Anchor





“Each one of us is like that butterfly, the Butterfly Effect. And each tiny move toward a more positive mindset can send ripples of positivity through our organizations, our families and our communities.” – Shawn Anchor.


You earn on average 80% of the income of people you surround yourself with. If you want to make more, then simply surround yourself with people who make more than you. This tactic is one of the best-proven principles of growth. Tony Robbins calls this ‘The Power of Proximity. Practice ‘proximity’ with the people who have already realized and embodied the thing that you want to develop.  If you want to get physically fitter, surround yourself with physically fitter people. if you want to become more creative, surround yourself with artists and other creative people, etc.  (Be careful… this also works into the ‘other’ direction. if you surround yourself with people who tend to be negative, you will develop the ability to be negative too…)

Shawn Anchor is one of the most influential experts for his known outstanding research about happiness leading to success and his advocacy of positive psychology and potential. In his latest book called ‘Big Potential,’ encourages the shift of one’s mindset about success and achievement as an individual pursuit. 

He demonstrates that our fullest potential can be reached through working to become better together. What we collectively and collaboratively do together, how we learn and relate to one another is our BIG potential.


This book outlines the five actionable steps called the SEEDS of big potential:


1. Surrounding themselves with positive influencers.

2. Expanding their power by helping others lead.

3. Enhancing their resources by becoming ‘prisms of praise’.

4. Defend the system you build against negative attacks.

5. Sustain the gains.






Big Potential shines a light on powerful learnings that will change the way you view success and achievement to make positive, rippling changes in life. Anchor describes how collaboration fosters innovation in business and in life. That in order to achieve greater things, you must not view success as a competition.


Through this visual mindmap, it will allow you not only to shine like a star but to learn how to emit your glow by working better together in your team. 

And I’d like to share a gem that I’ve found on Youtube where the author, Shawn Anchor, elaborates his brilliant discussion on Big Potential.

(Screenshot of the youtube thumbnail)



We made two summaries for you: one in the shape of a mindmap and one as a one page written summary.

Here is the Visual Mind Map of “Big Potential: How Transforming the Pursuit of Success Raises Our Achievement, Happiness, and Well-Being by Shawn Achor” click here.


If you want to have the A3 poster version download the PDF here.


You can read the one-pager executive summary by clicking here.


And if you want to turn this ‘know how’ into actual GROWTH attend my online intro ‘Work Less Achieve More’ webinar. Send us an email if you are interested (


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